Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Tempest: A History On Love (Part I)

Word of the Day:


/lʌv/ Show Spelled [luhv] noun, verb, loved, lov·ing.

1. A profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.

2. A feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend.

3. Sexual passion or desire.

4. A person toward whom love is felt for: lover, sweetheart, and valentine.

What is Love?

Love is a curious thing: known to come in disguise. It fools those stung by it' quiver and leaves them at to the loins of hormones and emotions: that ravage the brain, the gut and the heart. Love brings the tallest of towers crumbling to the ground. Love has even been called the most powerful force in the world. Love defies logic and death.

Everyone loves, yet we know so little about it.

Everyone has their views and opinions on love: believing that each one of us is correct in defining the emotion. Some say:

"Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired." - Robert Frost

"Love is like quicksilver in the hand. Leave the fingers open and it stays. Clutch it, and it darts away." - Dorothy Parker

"Love is the master key that opens the gates of happiness." - Oliver Wendell Holmes

"Love stretches your heart and makes you big inside." - Margaret Walker

"They do not love that do not show their love. The course of true love never did run smooth. Love is a familiar. Love is a devil. There is no evil angel but Love." William Shakespeare

Why All the Ruckus About Love? What Does This Have To Do With The Tempest?

Everything. Although the tempest follows Prospero and his emotional journey as he seeks revenge, love is a very important aspect of The Tempest. One of the smaller story lines is that of Ferdinand and Miranda. The two are young lovers who meet but are "forbidden" to talk to each other because Ferdinand was taken prisoner by Miranda's father, Prospero. To get a better understanding of What Love is and what it means to the young couple: Let's meet them, shall we?

World: Say Hello To Ferdinand.

This is Ferdinand... Well actually his name is Brett. Brett Temple, Sophomore at MCVTS School of the Arts. He is an actor, who will be starring as the strapping young lover in the upcoming production of The Tempest. When asked about his role, Brett had this to say:

"When I approach the character of Ferdinand, I can see many similarities between he and I. For starters, Ferdinand is a very privileged being- starting from when he was young prince and now a supposed king, or so he thinks-...-He has never had to fight for something he wanted. However once he arrives at the island where Prospero has been exiled to, he receives a major reality check. Personally, I believe that is the most interesting quality about him. The way his perspective changes drastically after his arrival on the island. Change catches my attention. Room for Growth drives me. I look forward to exploring the ranges of Ferdinand and giving him the light and truth he deserves".

Yet when asked about Love his views of how Ferdinand and him are similar changed drastically:

"I believe in true love, as corny as it sounds. I think Ferdinand believes it exists as well, but where we differ is our means of finding it. Love is a war tactic. Where Ferdinand believes in trying and trying again until you succeed, I believe that love will find you no matter what. So where Ferdinand has many girlfriends...I have many cats."

Here's a Hint: Love Comes When Least Expected.

Love is something that people have fought wars over and even died for. People go mad for it, people cry over it-- especially when it is unrequited. But those who try so desperately to find love, usually never find success. For you see: Love is not a bridge easily crossed. There is always a toll booth and troll- don't even get me started on the traffic. What you'll  need to do is find a sufficient mode of travel across the metaphorical bridge of doom to find the end of the rainbow: perhaps you can find Ferdinand and Love there. Sometimes you need to sit in the car for hours and listen to cheesy ballads from the 80's. When you stop trying--- love comes.

It's the little things that make the feeling love.

Weather it’s the way the person phrases something, or looks at you. When you notice the small changes like the way they part they're hair. When you are captivated by the tiniest detail or flaw- and you dismiss it because you are so strongly fascinated by the way they do what they do: that is when you realize that you are in love.

Also, Love does not always have to be romantic. It can be intimate, it can be raunchy. Love can be that for a family member, a close friend, a prized possession-- and furry companions (I do mean cats.)

Love can't be pressured, but only perused. Inches always add up to miles, Brett. Love is about taking your time and not rushing it away, but rather slowly savoring every passing second you can with the object of your futile affection. And when the other half of the equation adds up to your answer: that is love.

It's a puzzle. Just look at the box: follow the directions as loosely or closely as you see fit. There will be a missing piece, there always is. Just get creative. You'll find something to fill the emptiness.

Love: Don't Over-Think it!

When love comes to the brain naturally: it's real. When it is forced to be thought about, love is not in the air. Take your time, let it breathe: and it will come to you. Weather you’re an actor, or a regular person.

Good performances are the reflection of real life upon the stage. I have the upmost faith in Brett- and in Ferdinand to find their love before the curtain falls every night.

But we'll just have to wait and see: There is so much that is un-determined that is yet to come. Perhaps, love is one of those things....

"Hear my soul speak. Of the very instant that I saw you, Did my heart fly at your service" - Ferdinand (The Tempest, Act 3 Scene 1). (Follow Brett as he vlog's his process in discovering Ferdinand: click the link above!)

Hayley Michelle


The Students of MCVTS School of the Arts
Performance Dates: March 14, 15, 16, 21, 22
112 Rues Lane East Brunswick, NJ
Tickets can be purchased by Students of MCVTS School of The Arts and or at the door

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