Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Tempest: A History on Love (Part II)

Word of the Day:
/mɪˈræn də; also for 1, 4, Spanish miˈrɑn dɑ/ [mi-ran-duh; also for 1, 4, Spanish mee-rahn-dah] noun
1.      Astronomy . a moon of the planet Uranus.
2.      daughter of Prospero in Shakespeare's The Tempest.
3.      a female given name: from a Latin word meaning “to be admired.”
Small song birds are common in nature. Known for their sweet melodies that mark the start of a new morning, Song birds have been dubbed untouchable by many due to their kind and true nature. “Never kill a mocking bird.” (Harper Lee). It is wrong to break a fragile glass that sits idly by and does nothing harmful or in spite. These things, these song birds: are creatures to be revered. Admired.
Small Song Birds? Where Are You Going With This?
Song birds are very similar to the character, Miranda, the daughter of Prospero in The Tempest. She is, alike the birds mentioned, pure in a nature that cannot tainted by the perfidious birds of prey (such as Caliban, the moon-calf slave of Prospero). Miranda has seen nor known anything except her father and herself, minus the presence of the monstrous slave who pursues to soil the purity of Miranda. As she matures to a sweet 15, she begins to discover that not everything is black and white; there is more to the world than the lonely island she has known her whole life. There are new things to discover. Things such as resentment, defiance: but mainly love.
How Miranda Met Ferdinand….

Hannah Suchomel (Pictured above) is a Junior at MCVTS School of the Arts, and shall be in the upcoming production on The Tempest in the role of Miranda. Miranda is the young and naïve daughter of Prospero. Throughout the play she falls in love with Ferdinand, portrayed by Brett. Brett is literally the boy-next-door. Living next to each other, Hannah and Brett have fallen into a form of love: a strong friendship.
“Hannah and I have been friends since 6th grade” Said Brett when asked about his relationship with Hannah. “We’ve been friends for a long time, and we’ll always be friends. I think it can only benefit us once we begin to get into the territory of truly defining Miranda and Ferdinand.”
But Miranda and Ferdinand are more than just friends. In a way, it really is a mountain and molehill situation. Except here, we want to make a molehill into a Mount Everest. Friendship is a small form of true love—we want the farthest end of the spectrum. That is not something easily done. When interviewing Hannah about her tactics on how to climb this mountain she had this to say:
“What’s bigger than a mountain? A glacier? Being in love is kind of like trying to melt a glacier. Throughout time it begins to run into the ocean: drop by drop. That’s the strategy for now. To understand Miranda, I need to understand love. I write every night how I feel about love and how I feel about my love interest (meaning Brett). I pick things about him that I find intriguing---interesting. I find Brett interesting. I just need to find the interesting think that changes friendship to relationship.”
Miranda and Ferdinand Sitting in a Tree… T-A-L-K-I-N-G
The key to love is mutual sense of practicality and prose. Believe it or not: but collectively we’ll talk more in our lifespan than we’ll spend sleeping. We talk to our parents, we talk to our friends: but everyone we talk to is a loved one.
Love is the honesty of language.
The first step in a true relationship is being able to talk to each other. There should be no inhibitions on either side of the court: for that way it will be a fun and fair game. Once you can openly talk to another person, you can then let that person’s words effect you. Positively, negatively: love is action.
The Truth About Love….
The truth about love, is that love is truth. Boiled down to the bone and scrapped clean of doubt. Once you are truthful to not only the recipient of your love, but yourself as well: then you can find the truth pathway of the heart. Follow it. Don’t turn back.
“My affections, are then most humble; I have no ambition...” (Miranda.)
For more on Miranda and Ferdinand, click the link below
Hayley Michelle
The Students of MCVTS School of the Arts
Performance Dates: March 14, 15, 16, 21, 22
112 Rues Lane East Brunswick, NJ
Tickets can be purchased by Students of MCVTS School of The Arts and or at the door

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